


Thinking and Reasoning a Compatible Environment Construction Using the Approach of the SD Graphic Causal Laboratory


陳美智(Mei-Chih Chen)


因果回饋環路 ; 系統思考 ; 適居環境 ; A causal loop diagram ; system thinking ; a compatible environment




21卷2期(2016 / 05 / 01)


73 - 98




適居環境議題在都市發展過程總會受到持續關注與討論,都市需要提供多元功能與適宜的生活條件。但是,許多都市發展問題習慣被用直覺式決策來獲得快速解決;同時,卻產生許多不符合社會多元需求、長期使用等新問題。本文發現系統動態學方法論(System Dynamics, SD)的「因果回饋環路圖(Causal Loops Diagram, CLD)」,其圖像化模式可以聚焦問題、連結社會多元需求的邏輯思考與推理,據以建構「圖像因果實驗室」,做為引導適居環境系統思考的公共論壇輔助工具。實驗室必備的三階段論壇活動是:「直覺」,「因果推理」,及「CLD建模」。本文介紹SD「圖像因果實驗室」課程設計,並以適居環境議題分析在有或無實施「圖像因果實驗室」的系統思考訓練,在思考與推理成果的差異。


A compatible environment is always an issue that has been paid attention to and talked persistently in process of city development. Cities require pluralistic functions and compatible conditions of living. However, there're many problems of city development would be solved by the intuitional decision instantly, and the new problems that are not fit in with the pluralistic demands and long-term use to the community also appeared simultaneously. This study discovers that the graphic model of Causal Loops Diagram (CLD) of System Dynamics (SD) could help to focus problems and have a property of nexus on logistical thinking and reasoning the pluralistic demands of the community. Accordingly, this study makes a SD "graphic causal laboratory" to be a public forum tool for leading system thinking on issue of a compatible environment. There're three required forum programs on thinking and reasoning in a SD "graphic causal laboratory", which are the earlier stage of a "intuition", the middle stage of a "causal reasoning", and the last stage of a "CLD modeling". This study introduces the plan for implementing forum programs of "graphic causal laboratory" on the SD course. This study also analyzes the different results of thinking and reasoning within forum programs that system thinking trains in a SD "graphic causal laboratory" or none on issue of a compatible environment.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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