


The Effects of Horticultural Therapy on Improvement of Junior's Interpersonal Relationships


林建堯(Chien-Yau Lin);郭純德(Chun-Teh Kuo);張瑛絮(Ying-Hsu Chang);黃郁琇(Yu-Hsiu Huang)


國中生 ; 人際關係 ; 園藝治療 ; 園藝治療效益 ; Junior High School Students ; Interpersonal Relationship ; Horticultural Therapy ; The benefits of horticultural therapy




21卷4期(2017 / 03 / 01)


25 - 46






The researches of horticultural therapy have been focusing on improvement of physical and mental situation. There are few systematic studies which evaluated the benefits of social activity. In this study, we investigated the benefits of horticultural therapy on interpersonal relationship through qualitative aspect. Due to the teenagers in the stage of junior high school often encounter the difficulties on self-identity and interpersonal relationship, the junior high school students were chosen for study. To realize if horticultural therapy activities could ameliorate interpersonal relationship on student, we examined by various ways including interviews and observation records, etc. The results demonstrated that horticultural therapy indeed improved the interpersonal relationship between students and also showed the positive effects on adaptation of social and work. For example, participants are more able to communicate and interact with others and share their thoughts and feelings. They even improve their ideas and practices of interpersonal relationship. In addition, the participants believed that the activities also made them award assertiveness and achievement sense. In the future, we suggest that the horticulture activities can be appropriately arranged into school curricula or counseling activities to provide an alternative, natural and affordable way of learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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