


A Study of Demand for Emotion Healing by Introducing Emotional Release and Emotional Interaction Activities into Public Spaces


彭憶祖(Yi-Tsu Peng);林伯賢(Po-Hsien Lin)


療癒 ; 公共空間 ; 情緒釋放 ; 情感互動 ; Healing ; Public space ; Emotional release ; Emotional interaction




22卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


73 - 100






The concept of healing has become a global topic in contemporary society. There are seminars and special issue papers in the field of environmental space in which the public are encouraged to join in the discussion and get remarkable success. However, the researchers found that there is relatively little literature on the direct emotional release and emotional interaction healing activity in the public space domain. The main purpose of this study is to explore the public's needs and individual differences in the introduction of emotional release and emotional interaction healing activities in the public environment domain. The main research method used in this study was questionnaire survey. Researcher used statistical analysis to examine the needs of the public in bringing healing activities in to the public space. Furthermore, the research compared the needs of the potential users basing on their demographic background. This study yielded the following results: 1. The public has a positive demand response to the introduction of emotional catharsis and emotional interaction healing activity into public space. 2. People from different social backgrounds have different needs regarding self-healing public space activities. 3. The demand of disadvantaged groups (extreme depression and the unemployed) for emotional release activity has been neglected.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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