


Impact of Landscape Engineering and Its Disputes on Society


李靖童(Jing-Tong Li);凃宏明(Hung-Ming Tu)


新聞內容分析 ; 觀光發展 ; 工程設計 ; 植栽計畫 ; 社會效益 ; newspaper content analysis ; tourism development ; engineering design ; planting project ; social benefit




24卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


23 - 40






This study explored the effect of landscape engineering and its controversies impacts with social concern through the analysis of newspaper articles. It gives feedback to the society about how to reduce landscape engineering disputes in the future and improve the quality of tourism and recreation. The search keyword was 'landscape engineering'. This study collected and analyzed the data from 325 articles published during a period of ten years (2009-2018) and obtained from the online databases of Apple Daily, China Times, United Daily News, and The Liberty Times. The disputes and impacts of landscape engineering were analyzed. The results of the study showed that the disputes in landscape engineering funding, engineering bidding, engineering construction, engineering design, and responsible supervision were the five types of landscape engineering disputes. The study revealed that disputes in engineering construction and engineering design were the main issues. Among the effects categories caused by landscape engineering, the numbers of positive reports were more than negative reports. While several of the positive reports were related to an increase in tourism and describe the social benefits of landscape engineering, the negative reports were mainly focused on the destruction of ecological and cultural assets due to landscape engineering.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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