


Sleepless city in Taiwan-The relationships among spatial characteristics, landscape preference and restorative perception


李素馨(Su-Hsin Lee);謝怡倩(Yi-Chien Hsieh);黃宣霈(Syuan-Pei Huang)


注意力恢復 ; 空間分析 ; 眺匿理論 ; 夜間景觀 ; 景觀偏好 ; Attention Restoration ; Spatial Analysis ; Prospect-refuge theory ; Nightscape ; Landscape Preference




24卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


13 - 36






In recent years, viewing spots in Taiwan have flourished for urban nightscape. This study first collected 116 popular viewing restaurants/ spots and used satellite images to locate spatial characteristics, including height, distribution, and distance. Further on-site surveys were carried out based on spatial characteristics and night view content. In the second part, we selected 20 scenic spots and photographed the nightscape, and explored the relationships among the spatial characteristics, the viewers' preference and the restoration perception of the nightscape. The results found that (1) The location of the nightscape restaurants are mostly between 68 and 857 meters above sea level. The most common relative height between the restaurants and the night city are about 200 meters, and distance are over 100 meters. Most of them are located on the hillside at the intersection of mountains and plains. The viewing content includes urban and rural night scenes, landmark buildings, and elevated road traffic landscapes. (2) Landscape preference is highly correlated with restorative perception, suggesting that viewing the nightscape may have a healing function. (3) The degree of preference is positively correlated with the relative height, the population of the settlement, and the angle of depression. (4) The preferred nightscape is high lighting brightness, an open field of view, and a non-flat shape, while dynamic sceneries, landmark buildings, and elevated roads have bonus effects. (5) Finally, we provide the nightscape viewing mode and suggestion strategies for nightscape planning.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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