Under the promotion of relevant government projects and the effect of media reports, many rural villages have successively used colorful paintings to create the environment in Taiwan over the past decade. Although these colorful paintings have made many communities become popular attractions, it has also triggered criticisms that the content of colorful paintings deviates from the characteristics of the community, ignores local culture, and lacks environmental aesthetics. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to explore the influence of rural wall painting on image of rural area and environmental aesthetics. Our research divides the types of rural paintings into 4 categories: "3D interactive painting", "original illustration painting", "cartoon animation painting" and "rural landscape painting", and collects pictures of rural wall paintings in central and southern Taiwan through a wide range of photography methods. Finally, we select 32 photos as the official test photos (8 for each type of painting) for the subjects to fill in their perception of image and environmental aesthetics of rural areas after viewing the photos. The samples are from the Internet and questionnaire surveys, and we obtain a total of 476 valid samples (236 online and 240 on-site). The result mainly shows: (1) The red brick wall surface should retain its original appearance to show the rural image and environmental aesthetics, and it is less suitable for painting; the concrete wall can be painted moderately, but the content should be related to the rural style or local culture, and pay attention to the painting skills and quality. (2) Among the types of painting, "rural landscape painting" can mostly show rural image and environmental aesthetics at the same time, while "cartoon animation painting" is a type with low rural image and environmental aesthetics.
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