


The Source of Hakka Personal Pronoun and Genitive with the Viewpoint of Diminutive




賴文英(Wen-Ying LAI)


人稱代詞 ; 領格 ; 小稱詞 ; 結構助詞 ; 屬有構式 ; 親密原則 ; personal pronoun ; genitive ; diminutive ; structural particle ; genitive constructions ; intimate principle




5卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


53 - 80




客語人稱領格的來源以往約可歸為兩種看法:「合音說」與「格變說」,前者並沒有針對合音機制提出較好的說明,後者則沒有提出較好的理論依據,且不符合漢語方言普遍的語法形態。本文從前人對客語人稱領格的不同看法,以及人稱、人稱領格的共時表現來瞭解問題點,進而從內外觀點、理論依據解釋客語人稱領格可能的來源與性質,包括從漢語方言與非漢語方言的觀點,探討親密原則於人稱屬有構式中的作用,以及瞭解人稱領格與結構助詞的歷時關係、人稱領格的變化形式與小稱形成機制的關連。本文主張人稱領格在調值方面的表現與表親密愛稱的小稱音變行為動因相同──均與語言親密關係的表徵有關。也就是名詞間語意屬性的親密關係作用於人稱屬有構式之中,屬有構式「X+(結構助詞)+NP」即構成屬有概念,其中「X」為人稱或人稱領格的形式,「結構助詞」可出現亦可不出現,出不出現則牽涉到X 與NP 間語意「親密」的程度,以及各屬有構式之後的類推效應作用,同時屬有構式的表現也與結構助詞的歷時演變有關。


There used to be two different positions regarding the source of the Hakka genitive: (1) Sound Corporation and (2) Case Changed. Neither theory explains well the processes involved. Case Changed, moreover, involves morphology not regular to Chinese dialects. This paper is a study of the source of the Hakka personal pronoun and the genitive from the viewpoint of the diminutive, and it addresses six issues. (1) Does "case morphology" exist within Chinese dialects? (2) How does the personal pronoun change into the genitive within Hakka dialects? (3) Why are there such similar pronoun systems between Hakka dialects and Southwest minority languages? (4) What kind of relations do they have between different genitive forms in Hakka dialects? (5) Why do the genitives of Hakka belong to different tone categories? (6) What is the relation between genitive and diminutive? This paper claims that the tone pitch of the genitive is motivated by the same sound change as the diminutive, which also represents intimacy. With the genitive construction of 「X+(structural particle)+NP」, "X" can be the form of a personal pronoun or genitive, and "structural particle" can occur or not depending on the intimacy between X and NP. Likewise, the appearance of a structural particle is due to analogy with genitive constructions and with the diachronic development of the structural particle.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
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