Under the influence of Diachronic and Synchronic, "nativization" characteristics become apparent in Taiwan's Hailu Hakka dialect. Due to frequent contact and mutual integration, there is a growing number of "convergence" performance between Taiwan Hailu Hakka and other sub-dialects; on the other hand, Taiwan's Hailu Hakka has been some different from Guangdong primordial Hakka, and this is the "divergence" performance. In this paper, the so-called "convergence" means the performance of Taiwan's internal language, while "divergence" means the different parts from the birthplace. This article will use "Language Contact" and "dialect features words" theory to analyze the evolution of Hakka dialect to identify the characteristics of the Hailu Hakka, and analysis the factors behind the formation. We will compare Taiwan's Hsinchu as well as Guangdong's Luho Hakka words, and try to find the difference vocabulary of cross Strait. Secondly Sum up commonality vocabulary features of Taiwan's Hailu and Xisien Hakka, thereby we can reveal the vocabulary characteristics of Taiwan Hakka language.