Salt greatly sharpens the tastes of meals. Likewise, salt is essential in language. This paper compares salt expressions in Southern Min and German with data taken from corpora and dictionaries, Conceptual system in sharing experience (Huang 2009) and cultural model (Bonvillain 2003) are our theoretical background. We investigate the cultural values and conceptualization of the two languages by comparing the collocation, collocation types and metaphors of salt expressions. The findings are (1) The salt expressions in Southern Min reveal that salt industry plays a hugely influential role on politics and economics in Taiwan region; salt expressions also point out the important transportation vehicle, eating habit and linguistic characteristics in this area, whereas (2) German salt expressions show that salt is important in cooking and in medical chemistry. Meanwhile, (3) salt in the two languages signifies the different religious beliefs and mindsets. (4) The different conceptual systems are: Salt makes money-a concept stems from salt production in Southern Min speaking area while salt brings health-a concept stems from salt consuming, is rendered in Germany. Trivial but essential, salt is indispensable in both cultures and languages.
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