


The Impact of Globalization on Educational Research




楊深坑(Shen-Keng Yang)


全球化 ; 在地化 ; 教育研究方法論 ; globalization ; localization ; educational research methodology




51:3期(2005 / 09 / 30)


1 - 25




本文旨在透過歷史研究和後設理論分析探討全球化衝擊下,教育研究性質、對象與方法論之變遷。本文先從歷史發展觀點,探討啓蒙運動以來,教育研究方法論上的普遍主義和特殊主義之升降與起伏,歸結到當代網路科技影響下教育研究雖邁向同質性的普遍主義,但並未完全泯滅地域的差異性。其次,從政治、經濟、文化各層面來分析全球化的意義與性質,並以J. W. Meyer與F. O. Ramirez的新制度理論和R. Robertson的全球場域模式,說明全球化與在地化的辯證關係;根據全球化意義和性質分析所得,進一步探討教育硏究分析單位、研究方法和理論模式的變遷。最後,指出未來教育研究應運用新科技的發展,對於不同文化認知方式進行整合性的研究,促進不同文化深層的自我瞭解,進而瞭解他人,俾能透過合宜的教育,共建人類互信互賴、和諧幸福之全球化社會。


Through the historical approach and metatheoretical analysis this paper attempts to explicate the methodological changes that have been overtaking educational research under the impact of globalization. First of all, the alternate rise and fall of methodological universalism and particularism in educational research since the enlightenment are analyzed in order to show that globalization, though tending to favor a universal homogeneity, does not ignore local particularities. An analysis of the meaning and nature of globalization in the political, economic and cultural arena is undertaken in order to expound the dialectical relationship between globalization and localization, specifically from the perspectives of J. W. Meyer &F. O. Ramirez's Neo-Institutionalism and R. Robertson's global field model. Finally, recommendations are proposed for the future improvement of educational research with a view to building a prosperous, harmonious, globalized world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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