
J.-F. Lyotard對I. Kant壯美觀的解構及其在情意教育上的省思


J.-F. Lyotard's Deconstruction of I. Kant's Philosophy of the Sublime and its Implications for Affective Education




李崗(Kang Lee)


壯美觀 ; 情意教育 ; Lyotard ; the sublime ; affective education ; Lyotard




52:3期(2006 / 09 / 30)


43 - 72






The purpose of this study is to illuminate Lyotard's deconstruction of Kant's philosophy of the sublime, and to develop its implications for affective education. First, the paper describes the Enlightenment background of Kant's theory of the sublime. Second, it illustrates the "postmodern condition" and Lyotard's philosophy of the "differend." Third, it analyzes the arguments Lyotard uses in deconstructing Kant's sublime. Fourth, it explores Lyotard's interpretation of modern art. Most importantly, Lyotard claimed that Kant's arguments were invalid and his definition of the sublime was inappropriate. Lyotard ironically rewrote "The family story of the Sublime" in order to set forth his new interpretation about the "Sublime as Differend." This interpretation was set in the context of his earlier theory of the petit recits whse functioning through "difference" overturned the self-identity of grand narratives. In this study, the following questions will be discussed: "Can we use language to express our feelings?"; "Can our feelings be transformed?"; "Can we construct the rules of such transformations?" Finally, this paper analyzes the important features and limitations of Lyotard's as well as Kant's sublime philosophy, and offers four specific suggestions regarding the praxis of affective education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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