


Metahistorical Analysis of Methodologies in Education Reform Research




楊深坑(Shen-Keng Yang)


教育改革 ; 研究方法論 ; 後設歷史分析 ; education reform ; research methodology ; metahistorical analysis




52:4期(2006 / 12 / 31)


141 - 171






This paper offers a metahistorical analysis of various methodological models for education reform research. Ontological and epistemological assumptions of educational borrowing, historico-cultural foundations of educational changes, formulation of universal law of educational development, social epistemological research, policy archeology, policy genealogy are discussed respectively from historical perspective. Finally it is recommended that new technologies, esp., brain science, genome research and information technology, be adopted to study carfully the delicate differces of cognition and dispositions of various cultural groups with a view to building just education systems conducive to full self-realization of all the people in the world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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