
A. Giddens自反現代性對師資培育課程研究之啟發


A. Giddens' Reflexive Modernization and Its Implications on the Curriculum Research of Teacher Education




黃騰(Teng Huang)


自反現代性 ; 教師改變 ; 意義 ; 師資培育 ; reflexive modernization ; teacher change ; meaning ; teacher education




54:1期(2008 / 03 / 31)


87 - 116




本文根據二類不同的研究指出,教師教育的課程應該以「道德意義」做為核心。第一類研究是「教師改變」,但長期以來的研究指出,「教師」總是在改革中被視為是特定的「角色」。每個人總是認為做為一個「教師」,就應該具有特定的性格、特質、能力等,而其結果就是忽略教師生皆為一個活生生的人的重要性,並最終導致課程改革的失敗。第二類研究是社會現況的研究,而社會學家A. Giddens(1991)指出,「道德意義」不僅對個人存在是重要的,而且也是當代人們普遍的認同困擾與反思行動的基礎。因此我們認為,若要透過課程改革來促進社會進步,那麼就要能讓教師的個人「道德意義」結合在改革歷程中。最後我們將試著指出,這樣的師資培育課程未來主要的研究方向。


Basing on two different research approaches, we suggest that the curriculum of teacher education should pay more attention to the "moral meaning" of teachers. The first approach is about "teacher change." These studies point out that the meaning of being a teacher was always limited to certain "roles." It means that being a teacher one should have certain kind of personalities, traits, or abilities. The curriculum reform with this perspective always fails because it overlook that teachers are living persons. The second approach is about the situation of contemporary society. Giddens suggests that "moral meaning" is not only very important to personal existence but also the base of individual's identities and reflexivity. Therefore, if we expect to have a better result of curriculum reform, personal meaning of teachers should be integrated in the curriculum reform. Finally, we would like to provide some suggestions that may improve the curriculum research of teacher education in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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