


Examining the Nature of Teacher Associations: The Interaction between Function and Professional Identity




姜添輝(Tien-Hui Chiang)


小學教師 ; 學校教師會 ; 專業認同 ; primary school teacher ; school teacher association ; professional identity




54:3期(2008 / 09 / 30)


65 - 97






For sociologists, the purposes of teacher associations have been variously described as playing a key part in sustaining teachers' claims to professional status and facilitating their proletarian interests. However, the influence of teacher professional identity on the operation of teacher associations tends to be ignored. Data collection for this study was conducted by completing thirty-two interviews of educational officials and teacher association officials, head teachers, and teachers in Taiwan. The findings show that Taiwanese teachers occupied a superior location within the division of labour where society tends to bestow upon them a great degree of physical and psychic reward, creating a context in which a strong sense of professional identity develops. This identity acts as an inner mechanism to regulate its owners' recognition of their roles and their relationship with others. It manifested itself among our informants as professional commitment to their own teaching and self-discipline in conforming to an ethical code. An ideology of depoliticisation led teacher to expect the educational system and their professional associations to keep a distance from political forces and parties in order to maintain their neutrality and objectivity. They showed little enthusiasm for collective movement and less for union action.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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