


Adolescent Protection as the Core of Media Literacy Education: Beginning with Limiting Sexual Information




許育典(Yue-Dian Hsu);陳碧玉(Be-Yu Chen)


青少年保護 ; 媒體素養教育 ; 性資訊 ; 九年一貫課程 ; adolescent protection ; media literacy education ; sexual information ; grade 1-9 curriculum




54:4期(2008 / 12 / 31)


85 - 112






It seems most people advocate the idea of limiting sexual information to adolescents. Among the reasons, the most appealing is to let adolescent have a sound body and mind. On the one hand, is it good for adolescents to be knowledgeable about sexuality? On the other hand, if sexual information is too freely available to adolescents, it is thought the sexual information will have negative impacts on them. This article believes it is important to let adolescents have a sound body and mind, but yet this cannot be achieved by limiting sexual information. No doubt it is easier and more likely for adolescents to get sexual information from the media. For this reason, providing adolescents with media literacy education is a better idea than restraining them from getting sexual information. That is, limiting sexual information not only violates people's fundamental rights but also fails to let adolescents have a sound body and mind. To sum up, developing adolescent's ability to handle and decipher information by providing media literacy education in Grade 1-9 curriculum is the best way to help adolescents properly grow.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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