


The Evaluation and Accreditation Systems of Higher Education in Latin America: The Influence of Regionalism on an Individual Country




莊小萍(Hsiao-Ping Chuang)


高等教育 ; 拉丁美洲 ; 大學評鑑與認可 ; higher education ; Latin America ; university evaluation and accreditation




56:1期(2010 / 03 / 31)


31 - 63






In order to deal with the increasing numbers of institutions and students, the development of transnational education, the trend of marketization, the decreasing support from government funding, and the demand for accountability, most colleges in Latin America have gradually set mechanisms for evaluation and accreditation. These countries have not only established individual organizations and systems for evaluation and accreditation, but also endeavored to integrate them into regional networks for quality enhancement. This paper is aimed to explore the development of the quality assurance system of higher education in Latin America and the influence of regionalism on an individual country. The purposes of the research are (1) to probe into the implementation of regionalism in higher education of Latin America, (2) to study the development of evaluation, accreditation systems, the design of regional organizations and projects in the said area, and (3) to analyze the impact that could be possible produced by regional projects on the evaluation and accreditation systems in Argentina. The results indicate that evaluation mechanisms of both, national and regional, levels in Latin America have been developed simultaneously and correspondently. Even though the regional accreditation has made great progress, there is still a long way for being accepted by entire selected area.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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