


A Study of the Growth Process and Teaching Difficulties of College Students When Beginning Their Remedial Teaching




曾柏瑜(Pai-Yu Tseng);陳淑麗(Shu-Li Chen)


補救教學 ; 成長歷程 ; 教學困難 ; 大專生 ; remedial teaching ; growth process ; teaching difficulties ; college students




56:3期(2010 / 09 / 30)


67 - 103






A large amount of college students have participated in public or private funded remedial teaching projects in Taiwan. What did these participants experience when they began their remedial teaching? What did they learn and what improvements did they make? The study subjects were 27 college students. They practiced remedial teaching programs in 3 elementary schools under the intensive supervision of the researchers. Using participant observation and content analysis, the researchers recorded the difficulties these participants met and the improvements they made. The researchers divided the improvements of these participants into three periods. The situation in the first period was they could not practice diagnostic teaching, decide on the learning objectives for students, adjust the proportion of time spent on teaching materials and activities, and even control the students' behavior. In the second period, following intensive supervision, the participants became proficient in teaching, but were still not sensitive enough to adjust their teaching according to the students' response. At the end of the semester, about 80% of the participants were able to practice effective remedial teaching. However, 20% of them only improved slowly or made no progress. The gap in teaching capability between the two groups of participants had gradually increased.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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