


Exploring the Definition of Narrative Curriculum and Its Theoretical Foundations: An Approach to Improve Children's Literacy




簡良平(Liang-Ping Jian)


識能 ; 敘事 ; 敘事課程 ; literacy ; narrative ; narrative curriculum




58:2期(2012 / 06 / 30)


1 - 36






Children's literacy includes basic abilities of words acquisition, reading, and writing. By means of reading lessons and plans, the development of children's literacy can be significantly improved. This essay was aimed to explore the meaning of narrative curriculum and its theoretical foundations for classroom use in the context of developing children's literacy. The narrative curriculum referred to in this essay focused on texts as a medium for literacy development, and the objective of curriculum was to improve children's narrative comprehension and their narrative competences. This essay also discussed which narrative texts are the most valuable for forming curriculum content and explored the principles of text selection and organization. The principles of learning activities design were to promote children's interactions with texts, to improve their reading, thinking, and narrative skills, and encourage them to develop their critical thinking about the content of narrative texts. This essay drew heavily on narratology, cognitive psychology, socio-cultural perspectives and the characters of narrative and discussed how these theories could be applied to deliberate the objectives, contents, and implementation of narrative curriculum. In the end, the elements of curriculum practice were taken into consideration, such as the planning of schedules, the methods how to assess children's literacy, and the teachers' lesson plans/teaching strategies, and the environments of curriculum implementation, and then to think about how to connect the elements to achieve the goal of improving children's literacy effectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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