


Correlation Analysis on Academic Control Factors, Self-Efficacy, Strain Factors and the Onset of Junior High School Students' Cheating Behavior




張楓明(Feng-Ming Chang);譚子文(Tzyy-Wen Tan)


作弊行為 ; 參與 ; 抱負 ; 自我效能 ; 緊張 ; onset of cheating ; involvement ; commitment ; self-efficacy ; strain




58:4期(2012 / 12 / 31)


51 - 89




過去國內有關校園裡偏差行為之相關研究,較少聚焦於國中生的作弊行為,尤其是學業因素對國中生初次作弊行為問題的影響。因此,本研究目的即在瞭解學業層面之參與、抱負、自我效能及緊張因素與國中生初次作弊行為之關聯性。抽樣對象為嘉義市所有市立國民中學,主要採用叢聚抽樣方式,有效分析樣本共380 名學生,並採用巢式邏輯迴歸模型分析所蒐集的數據。研究結果發現,學業自我效能及學業緊張因素中之負擔壓力對國中生初次作弊行為具有影響效應;此外,低自我控制並未與國中生初次作弊行為產生關聯性。最後,本研究並依據研究發現,就實務及學術上提出建議。


There are few empirical research studies focused on the cheating behavior of junior high school students. Moreover, the relationship between academic factors and the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior has largely been ignored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between academic factors, including involvement, commitment, academic self-efficacy and academic strain, and the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior. As sample of 380 students, was selected from all public junior high schools in Chiayi City using a cluster method. A nested logistic regression model was used to analyze the collected data. The result s showed that academic self-efficacy and the burden and pressure from study had an impact on the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior. Otherwise, low self-control was not related to the onset of junior high school students' cheating behavior. Finally, this study also provided some practical and academic suggestions based on the research findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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