


A Study on the Federal Government’s Industry-university Cooperation Policies of Higher Education in Germany




余曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Yu);鍾宜興(Yi-Hsing Chung)


高等教育 ; 產學合作 ; 德國教育 ; higher education ; industry-university cooperation ; German education




61:3期(2015 / 09 / 30)


47 - 79




當前,高等教育機構被視為是國家和地區的人力資本發展與創新體系中極重要的一環,並且大學也被期望能夠更積極地參與在公、私的夥伴關係中。在產學合作的推動上,德國不僅具有悠久的歷史,且聯邦政府近幾年所推出的各種政策涵蓋面向極廣;此外,德國在過去12年間,企業投入在與大學或研究機構的研發合作計畫之費用整整增加兩倍;而德國也因為產學合作之推動成效,在經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)國家中的創新政策發展上名列前茅。因此,本研究乃以德國聯邦政府在高等教育領域所推動的各種產學合作政策為重點,透過文獻、文件分析,除了耙梳產學合作在歷史進程中的發展,也針對德國目前的產學合作現況、聯邦政府所提出的產學合作政策與各種資助措施加以說明。最後,本研究立基在產學合作的歷史發展、國家與地區創新系統之思考上探討其政策,並據此提出結論。


Higher education institutions are currently regarded as a very important part in the human capital development and innovation system by many countries and regions. In Germany, the government has promoted the cooperation between industry and university for a long time, and the relevant policies of the government in recent years has covered a wide range of such cooperation. In addition, the cost, which German companies have invested in the cooperation with the universities or the research institutes, increases twice in the last 12 years; the university-industry cooperation in Germany is on the top within the international comparison; moreover the innovative polices of Germany are also among the best in the OECD countries regarding its effectiveness in the promotion of university-industry cooperation. Based on the literature review and document analysis, the aims of this study are to clarify the history of industry-university cooperation, to introduce the current status of the industry-university cooperation in Germany and to explain the industryuniversity cooperation policies and various measures implemented by the German federal government. Finally, the historical review and the theory about national and regional innovation systems will be taken into consideration as the basis to analyze these policies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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