


Rural-Nonrural Differences in Student Mathematics Performance




黃敏雄(Min-Hsiung Huang)


城鄉差異 ; 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查 ; 臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 ; 數學表現 ; rural-nonrural differences ; Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ; Taiwan Educational Panel Survey ; mathematics performance




61:4期(2015 / 12 / 31)


33 - 61






In Taiwan, the public opinion on rural-nonrural differences in student achievement is shown in five observations. First, there is a large gap in student performance between rural and nonrural areas, therefore, eliminating differences between rural and nonrural areas would largely reduce variation in student performance. Second, students in urban areas vary greatly in performance, but those in rural areas are generally poor performers. Third, from cities to towns to rural areas, there is a gradual decline in average student performance. Fourth, rural-nonrural differences in student performance expand as students progress through school grades. Finally, rural-nonrural gaps in student performance widen over time. The findings of this study challenge some of the observations on which the public opinion rests. First, variation in student performance predominantly occurs within rural and nonrural areas, not between them. Second, students in rural areas vary in performance to about the same degree as students in nonrural areas. Third, most lowperforming students are located in cities and towns, and only about one-quarter of the low-performing students are located in rural areas. Finally, among fourth-graders, a widening gap in student performance between rural and nonrural areas was not observed over the period from 2003 to 2011.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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