


The Trajectory of Rediscovering the Text-BOOK: Approaching the Hidden Curriculum of the Textbook from a Material Culturist Perspective




彭秉權(Ping-Chuan Peng)


物質文化 ; 青少年(次)文化 ; 教科書 ; 潛在課程 ; material culture ; youth (sub-) culture ; textbook ; hidden curriculum




64:1期(2018 / 03 / 31)


1 - 31






The author has taught a course on hidden curriculum at a university in the northern Taiwan in 2005. A term project on students' normal but forgotten affection to textbooks unwittingly revealed the limit of the critical approaches in textbook studies. New theories were desperately needed. The author, therefore, has begun reconsidering the existence of the "book" as more than a vehicle of words made by outdated printing technology, but also an everyday necessity for students' social practice and learning. After years of searching, the author was convinced that material cultural studies are helpful in exploring the effect of the book for researchers and educators interested in studying textbook, hidden curriculum, and youth cultures, and issues of learning, educational technologies and policy, as well as curriculum and pedagogy. This article is a flashback. It begins with the author’s exploration of a long lost yet problematic- matter- in sociological theories of education from the critical classic to the posties. Although the concern of matter varies with theoretical approach, its significance is hardly disputable. A few theoretical tools are thereby employed to answer the decadelong belated classroom comment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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