


Promoting Gender-inclusion or Reproducing Male-dominance? From Female Perspectives on Project-based Learning in Engineering Study




洪瑞璇(Jui-Hsuan Hung);曾正宜(Jeng-Yi Tzeng)


女性工程學習 ; 性別容納式科學教育 ; 專案導向式學習模式 ; female students in engineering study ; gender-inclusive science education ; project-based learning




64:2期(2018 / 06 / 30)


43 - 83




許多工程教育研究認為專案導向式學習(project-based learning, PBL)可促進性別容納、改善性別區隔困境,但多為學理論述,缺少實徵資料佐證。本研究藉由解析女性在專案歷程中的觀點與學習經驗,探討PBL是否呼應性別容納精神,或實則再製男性主導文化。在一門大學工學院PBL課程中,透過小組專案歷程影片與文件報告資料的分析,以及與六名女學生的深入訪談,從女性視角來描繪PBL學習經驗。研究發現,女性學習者對PBL課程設計理念抱持正向態度,但充滿性別刻板期望的社會文化結構仍透過小組性別互動權力關係,鞏固並再製工程教育男性主導文化,而阻礙性別容納。本研究最後並提出有關工程教育PBL課程及後續研究之相關建議。


Many engineering educators claimed that project-based learning (PBL) provides gender inclusive learning environment for learners, from which women can benefit especially in studying traditionally male-dominant subjects such as engineering. Unfortunately, most of these claims were not supported by empirical evidences. We examined such claims by delving into women's perspectives on a team-based PBL course offered for first-year undergraduate students by School of Engineering in a university in northwestern Taiwan. We thoroughly examined videos and reports from team activities, and conducted in-depth individual interviews with 6 female students. We found that female participants were positive about the PBL in general, but still felt the pressure of male-dominance in group interactions, which replicated gender bias from the social and cultural stereotypes. Suggestions were made for future design and implementation of PBL in engineering courses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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