


Teacher Transfer Cases in Public Elementary and Secondary School and Related Legal Issues




黃源銘(Yuan-Ming Huang)


不適任教師 ; 教育行政 ; 教師介聘 ; unqualified teacher ; educational administration ; teacher transfer




65:3期(2019 / 09 / 30)


41 - 65






Rooted in the administrative litigation cases, this paper discusses teacher transfer system and relevant legal questions resulted from disagreeing review results in teacher transfers. Notable events have occurred in which teacher transfer among schools applied by the elementary and secondary teachers have been approved by the original school and its teacher transfer committee but disapproved by teacher evaluation committee of the teacher transfer schools with the reason of the teacher violating the regulations of Item 1, Article 14 of "Teacher's Law". According to the research findings, the current teacher transfer system in public elementary and secondary schools must be reviewed by the teacher evaluation committee of both schools and the teacher's right to apply for teacher transfer may be damaged due to the difference in the review results and opinions. Besides, the link to unqualified teachers used by the treatment of the teacher transfer procedure may cause improper link. This paper suggests that to avoid this situation, the principal of the employing school should be authorized to directly employ this teacher after the teacher transfer is approved by the teacher transfer committee meeting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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