


Elementary Science-CLIL Teachers' Professional Identity: Conflict, Negotiation, Production




陳惠雪(Hui-Hsueh Chen)


CLIL教學法 ; 教師專業認同 ; 雙語自然教師 ; CLIL ; teacher's professional identity ; science-CLIL teachers




69:2期(2023 / 06 / 30)


1 - 48






To implement the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy in Taiwan, bilingual education has become an indispensable aspect of every curriculum. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)-which involves teaching other subjects through the target language (English)-is considered as an innovative approach in this context. However, CLIL teachers are expected to fulfill dual roles: they are simultaneously language teachers and teachers of specific subjects and content areas. This article explores the roles of science-CLIL teachers and their professional identities in an elementary school. The study employed a case study methodology to investigate how teachers' explicit meaningful experiences and perceptions influence their understanding of their roles and the formation of their identities as science-CLIL teachers. The factors shaping these processes are revealed. The research findings include the teachers' conflicts in prioritizing their roles and their metacognitive negotiations of their professional identities. Both contextual and personal factors within social interactions contribute to the ways in which the participant teachers perceived themselves as science-CLIL teachers. The result leads to a framework involving teachers' professional identities in social contexts, the core issues of science-CLIL teaching, and the construction of identity for these science-CLIL teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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