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孟祿(1922a)。論中國新學制草案。新教育,4(2),133-137。[Monroe, P. (1922a). On Chinese new school system draft. New Education, 4(2), 133-137.]
孟祿(1922b)。評新學制草案(王岫廬,譯)。教育雜誌,14(號外),1-9。[Monroe, P. (1922b). Comments on new school system draft (Y.-L. Wang, Trans.). Education Magazine, 14(Extra), 1-9.]
孟祿(1922c)。評新學制中等教育(王岫廬,譯)。教育雜誌,14(9),1-6,1-9。[Monroe, P. (1922c). Comments on the secondary education of new school system (Y.-L. Wang, Trans.). Education Magazine, 14(9), 1-6, 1-9.]
法規(1923a)。浙省施行新學制標準。新教育,6(3),435-439。[Regulations (1923a). The standard of Chekiang implements new school system. New Education, 6(3), 435-439.]
法規(1923b)。黑龍江施行新學制初等教育暫行標準。新教育,7(5),429-430。[Regulations (1923b). The provisional standard of Helungkiang implements primary education of new school system. New Education, 4(2), 429-430.]
金曾澄(1922)。廣東提出學制系統草案之經過及其成立。新教育,4(2),175-186。[Ching, T.-C. (1922). The process of proposing and passing school system draft by Kwangtung. New Education, 4(2), 175-186.]
附錄(1922)。江西省教育會對於新學制系統草案之意見。教育叢刊,3(3),11-12。[Appendix (1922). Opinions on new school system draft by Kiangsi education association. Education Series, 3(3), 11-12.]
俞大同(1922a)。評全國教育聯合會決議的改革學制案。中華教育界,11(7),5-16。[Yu, T.-T. (1922a). Comments on the resolution of reforming school system of the National Federation of Education Associations. Chinese Education Circles, 11(7), 5-16.]
俞大同(1922b)。評全國教育聯合會決議的改革學制案(續)。中華教育界,11(7),1-8。[Yu, T.-T. (1922b). Comments on the resolution of reforming school system of the National Federation of Education Associations II. Chinese Education Circles, 11(7), 5-16.]
指令(1922)。奉天省長公署指令第921號。奉天公報,3775,9。[Instruction (1922). Fengt’ien governor office instruction no. 921. Fengt’ien Gazette, 3775, 9.]
施行新制之廣西(1924)。申報:教育與人生週刊,48,632。[Kwangsi implements new system (1924). Shun Pao: Education and Life Weekly, 48, 632.]
紀載(1922)。新學制草案討論會第二次大會紀事。江蘇教育公報,5(2),60-68。[Records (1922). Minutes of the second meeting on new school system draft. Kiangsu Education Gazette, 5(2), 60-68.]
胡適(1922a)。第八次全國省教育會聯合會討論新學制的經過。新教育,5(5),1034-1043。[Hu, S. (1922a). The process of discussing new school system in the eightieth conference of the National Federation of Education Associations. New Education, 5(5), 1034-1043.]
胡適(1922b)。對於新學制的感想。新教育,4(2),186-191。[Hu, S. (1922b). Opinion on new school system. New Education, 4(2), 186-191.]
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要聞(1922a)。江蘇開學制系統草案討論會。新教育,4(2),293。[Important news (1922a). Kiangsu held meeting to discuss new school system draft. New Education, 4(2), 293.]
要聞(1922b)。廣州執信學校試「六三三制」。新教育,4(2),296。[Important news (1922b). Chihhsin school at Canton experimented 6-3-3 system. New Education, 4(2), 296.]
要聞(1922c)。國立學校試行新學制之籌備。新教育,4(5),935-936。[Important news (1922c). National schools prepare to experiment new school system. New Education, 4(5), 935-936.]
要聞(1923)。奉省改定學制系統綱要。新教育,6(1),114-116。[Important news (1923). Fengt’ien set up the outline of new school system. New Education, 6(1), 114-116.]
凌冰(1922)。孟祿的中國教育討論。新教育,4(4),537-582。[Ling, P. (1922). P. Monroe on Chinese education. New Education, 4(4), 537-582.]
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袁希濤(1921)。最近歐美教育狀況。中華教育界,10(9),64-76。[Yuan, S.-T. (1921). Recent American and European education. Chinese Education Circles, 10(9), 64-76.]
袁希濤(1922)。新學制草案與各國學制之比較。新教育,4(2),137-175。[Yuan, S.-T. (1922). Comparison between new school system and foreign school systems. New Education, 4(2), 137-175.]
討論(1922)。對於新學制草案疑問的釋疑。新教育,4(3),499-501。[Discussion (1922). Interpretation to questions about new school system draft. New Education, 4(3), 499-501.]
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訓令(1922b)。訓令107號。昆山縣學事年報,1922年度,15-16。[Instruction (1922b). Instruction no. 107. Kuanshan County Education Yearbook, 1922, 15-16.]
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教育界消息(1922a)。再誌新學制運動。教育雜誌,14(3),1-3。[Education news (1922a). Record on new school system movement II. Education Magazine, 14(3), 1-3.]
教育界消息(1922b)。三誌新學制運動。教育雜誌,14(4),1-2。[Education news (1922b). Record on new school system movement III. Education Magazine, 14(4), 1-2.]
教育界消息(1923)。直隸實施新學制之標準案。教育雜誌,15(7),1-8。[Education news (1923). Chili implements new school system standards. Education Magazine, 15(7), 1-8.]
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莊启(1922)。對於新學制系統表之意見。教育雜誌,14(號外),1-4。[Chuang, C. (1922). Opinion on new school system. Education Magazine, 14(Extra), 1-4.]
規程(1922)。江蘇省施行新學制標準。昆山縣學事年報,1922年度,4-6。[Regulations (1922). The standard of Kiangsu implements new school system. Kuanshan County Education Yearbook, 1922, 4-6.]
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陶行知(1922b)。評學制標準草案。新教育,4(2),130-132。[Tao, S.-C. (1922b). On school system standards draft. New Education, 4(2), 130-132.]
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單中惠、王鳳玉(編)(2007)。杜威在華教育講演。教育科學。[Shan, Z.-H., & Wang, F.-Y. (Eds.). (2007). John Dewey’s lectures on education in China. Education Science.]
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