


Re-reforming School System in Early Republican China: Re-inquiring the Promulgation of New School System 1922




周愚文(Yu-Wen Chou)


6-3-3制 ; 孟祿 ; 袁希濤 ; 新學制 ; 6-3-3 model ; Paul Monroe ; Hsi-Tao Yuan ; new school system




69:3期(2023 / 09 / 30)


1 - 41






When the Republic of China was established in 1912, the new Ministry of Education partially reformed the Gui-Mao school system in 1904. Borrowed from Japan, the Ch'ing's system had shown its problems in the subsequent years. Therefore, the National Federation of Education Associations had promoted a reforming proposal since 1921. After the subsequent conferences organized by the Ministry of Education and the National Federation, the New School System was promulgated by the President in 1922. This new system was primarily based on US 6-3-3 model. Using the historical method with first-hand sources, the aim of this article is to explore the ignored issues: how American education influenced this reform and how it was implemented. The main findings are as follows: two reasons for this reform were to address the disadvantages and problems of the old system, and to follow circles trends. While P. Monroe, a key figure, had a direct influence on the drafting, J. Dewey's impact was relatively limited. The significant contribution of Hsi-Tao Yuan and Yen-Pei Huang, leaders of the Kiangsu Education Association are often overlooked. Before it enacted, few provinces experimented with it. After it was promulgated, sixteen provinces and cities put it into practice. Finally, there were five strategic characteristics: bottom-up approach, diverse participation, democratic procedure, flexibility, and no wholesome duplication and transplantation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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  54. 法規(1923b)。黑龍江施行新學制初等教育暫行標準。新教育,7(5),429-430。[Regulations (1923b). The provisional standard of Helungkiang implements primary education of new school system. New Education, 4(2), 429-430.]
  55. 金曾澄(1922)。廣東提出學制系統草案之經過及其成立。新教育,4(2),175-186。[Ching, T.-C. (1922). The process of proposing and passing school system draft by Kwangtung. New Education, 4(2), 175-186.]
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  59. 指令(1922)。奉天省長公署指令第921號。奉天公報,3775,9。[Instruction (1922). Fengt’ien governor office instruction no. 921. Fengt’ien Gazette, 3775, 9.]
  60. 施行新制之廣西(1924)。申報:教育與人生週刊,48,632。[Kwangsi implements new system (1924). Shun Pao: Education and Life Weekly, 48, 632.]
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  63. 胡適(1922b)。對於新學制的感想。新教育,4(2),186-191。[Hu, S. (1922b). Opinion on new school system. New Education, 4(2), 186-191.]
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  65. 要聞(1922a)。江蘇開學制系統草案討論會。新教育,4(2),293。[Important news (1922a). Kiangsu held meeting to discuss new school system draft. New Education, 4(2), 293.]
  66. 要聞(1922b)。廣州執信學校試「六三三制」。新教育,4(2),296。[Important news (1922b). Chihhsin school at Canton experimented 6-3-3 system. New Education, 4(2), 296.]
  67. 要聞(1922c)。國立學校試行新學制之籌備。新教育,4(5),935-936。[Important news (1922c). National schools prepare to experiment new school system. New Education, 4(5), 935-936.]
  68. 要聞(1923)。奉省改定學制系統綱要。新教育,6(1),114-116。[Important news (1923). Fengt’ien set up the outline of new school system. New Education, 6(1), 114-116.]
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  70. 孫培青(2000)。中國教育史(修訂版)。華東師範大學。[Sun, P.-Q. (2000). History of education in China (Revised). East China Normal University.]
  71. 孫常煒(1985)。蔡元培先生年譜傳記(上)。國史館。[Sun, C.-W. (1984). Mr. Yuan-Pei Tsai’s chronology and biography (I). Academica Historica.]
  72. 徐宗林、周愚文(2019)。教育史。五南。[Hsu, C.-L., & Chou, Y.-W. (2019). History of education. Wu-Nan Book.]
  73. 袁希濤(1921)。最近歐美教育狀況。中華教育界,10(9),64-76。[Yuan, S.-T. (1921). Recent American and European education. Chinese Education Circles, 10(9), 64-76.]
  74. 袁希濤(1922)。新學制草案與各國學制之比較。新教育,4(2),137-175。[Yuan, S.-T. (1922). Comparison between new school system and foreign school systems. New Education, 4(2), 137-175.]
  75. 討論(1922)。對於新學制草案疑問的釋疑。新教育,4(3),499-501。[Discussion (1922). Interpretation to questions about new school system draft. New Education, 4(3), 499-501.]
  76. 訓令(1922a)。訓令402號。昆山縣學事年報,1922年度,15。[Instruction (1922a). Instruction no. 402. Kuanshan County Education Yearbook, 1922, 15.]
  77. 訓令(1922b)。訓令107號。昆山縣學事年報,1922年度,15-16。[Instruction (1922b). Instruction no. 107. Kuanshan County Education Yearbook, 1922, 15-16.]
  78. 張寶貴(2001)。杜威與中國。河北人民。[Chang, B.-G. (2001). Dewey and China. Hebei People.]
  79. 教育界消息(1922a)。再誌新學制運動。教育雜誌,14(3),1-3。[Education news (1922a). Record on new school system movement II. Education Magazine, 14(3), 1-3.]
  80. 教育界消息(1922b)。三誌新學制運動。教育雜誌,14(4),1-2。[Education news (1922b). Record on new school system movement III. Education Magazine, 14(4), 1-2.]
  81. 教育界消息(1923)。直隸實施新學制之標準案。教育雜誌,15(7),1-8。[Education news (1923). Chili implements new school system standards. Education Magazine, 15(7), 1-8.]
  82. 教育部(1971)。第一次中國教育年鑑。傳記文學。[Ministry of Education. (1971). The first China education yearbook. Biography.]
  83. 教育部第280號訓令(1925)。陝西教育月刊,44,2。[Ministry of Education instruction no. 280 (1925). Shansi Education Monthly, 44, 2.]
  84. 莊启(1922)。對於新學制系統表之意見。教育雜誌,14(號外),1-4。[Chuang, C. (1922). Opinion on new school system. Education Magazine, 14(Extra), 1-4.]
  85. 規程(1922)。江蘇省施行新學制標準。昆山縣學事年報,1922年度,4-6。[Regulations (1922). The standard of Kiangsu implements new school system. Kuanshan County Education Yearbook, 1922, 4-6.]
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  90. 陶行知(1922a)。我們對新學制草案應持的態度。新教育,4(2),127-130。[Tao, S.-C. (1922a). On our attitude to new school system draft. New Education, 4(2), 127-130.]
  91. 陶行知(1922b)。評學制標準草案。新教育,4(2),130-132。[Tao, S.-C. (1922b). On school system standards draft. New Education, 4(2), 130-132.]
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