


Analysis of the Content and Significance of "Zhan" and "Winds" in "Lingshu-Nine Palaces and Eight Winds"




李明姝(Mingshu Li)


九宮八風 ; 五宮占 ; 風占 ; 虛風 ; 病風 ; 醫療氣象學 ; The Nine Palaces and Eight Winds ; Zhan of the Five Palaces ; Zhan of the Winds ; Weakening-Winds ; Ill-Winds ; Medical Meteorology




29卷2期(2023 / 09 / 30)


23 - 37






Lingshu-Nine Palaces and Eight Winds is the core chapter of the Nine Palaces and Eight Winds Spatio-temporal Medical Theory of Huangdi Neijing. For centuries Add a "," scholars held different interpretations on the content of "Zhan (占)" and "Winds (風)" in this chapter which may inadvertently cause misunderstandings. Drawing multidisciplinary knowledge and insights from astronomy, geography, meteorology, traditional Chinese medicine, archaeology, and ancient literature, this study aims to interpret and analyze the original text of Lingshu-Nine Palaces and Eight Winds and an example of Lingshu-Suilu Lun. Anchoring to the scientific point of view, it clarifies that the "Timely-Winds (實風)" are normal in speed with directions corresponding to the solar terms of the Traditional Chinese Calendar; "Ill-Winds(病風)" represent destructive forces of gales or storms; "Weakening-Winds(虛風)" originate from the opposite directions of the solar terms. At different times of the year, different human inner organs may be affected and weakened when predisposed to the "Weakening-Winds". In addition, crops may also be vulnerable to the "Weakening-Winds". In essence, "Zhan" means "to predict" or "make prediction". "Guijian (貴賤)" refers to the price of grain and other crops, and the impact of "Ill-Winds" on people's living conditions and health. Overall, the content of "Zhan of the Five Palaces (五宮占)" and " Zhan of the Winds (風占)" are fairly similar in content. With emphasis on different aspects, both are used to predict impacts of abnormal meteorological phenomenon. They both include "Ill-Wind Prediction of the Five Palaces (五宮病風占)" (to predict Guijian), "Timely-Wind Prediction of the Five Palaces (五宮實風占)" (representing good luck and fortune) and "Weakening-Wind Prediction of the Five Palaces (五宮虛風占)" (to predict which human inner organ is weakened). They represent the early stage of Chinese medical meteorology with capabilities in both disease prediction and prevention. Documented by the ancients through their systematic and comprehensive observations and explorations of nature, Lingshu-Nine Places and Eight Winds can shed light to the current medical meteorological applications of the Nine Palaces and Eight Winds Spatio-temporal Medical Theory of Huangdi Neijing.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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