


A Critic of Archetype by Wen Yiduo’s Interpretation of Chinese Classics "The Book of Songs"




朱孟庭(Chu Meng-Ting)


詩經 ; 聞一多 ; 原型 ; 隱語 ; 神話 ; The Book of Songs ; Wen Yiduo ; archetype ; enigmatic language ; mythology




18期(2007 / 10 / 01)


77 - 79+81-115






The Chinese Classics "The Book of Songs" was an original artistic efforts and results for thousand years in Chinese Literary History. Wen Yidou tried to explore its abundant cultural sources, it is, he adopted a prototype critique method, mainly had been divided into two parts of "enigmatic language" and "mythology" system. In "enigmatic language" expression, he found the expression of "Woman took one kind of Chinese herb to be pregnant and borne a son", in addition, all other subjects existed in the men and women's love, for example: "hungry" meant searching lust failure; "have gotten" meant a successful sexual relations. "Fish" meant the metaphor of spouse and partnership; "fishing and angle for fish" meant the metaphor of marriage. "Cooking fish and eating fish" meant match well; animals and birds hunting for fish proved clearly a male action. River always expressed itself a love stream. For the mythology, Wen Yiduo pointed out the black bird, totem symbol; some talent musician roamed through Han River in times long past. An Ancient Chinese Woman Chiang Yuan met a large footprint accidentally and borne a son, some artistic famous female musicians in High Tang Dynasty ... To sum up, the good merits of Wen Yiduo's research, found the items of cultural prototype were correct mostly, assisted people caught on the deep thought of the poetic meaning of "The Book of Songs". Description principles of induction, analogy, and technique empowered its persuading strength in "The Book of Songs'. Its failures are: sexual symbols extended much was a false. Overmuch analogy was unfitted and therefore found its conclusion a paradox. All in all, his creative findings, was a successful instruction for later generation.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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