
「樂是樂此學 學是學此樂」-梁漱溟對泰州學派的現代繼承與改造


"The reason of happiness is to learn how to make the heart happy; the purpose of learning is to study how to acquire this happy heart." -- Contemporary Inheritance and Transformation of Tai Zhou School by Liang Shu-ming




王汝華(Wang Zu-Hua)


梁漱溟 ; 泰州學派 ; 王心齋 ; 樂學歌 ; Liang Shu-ming ; Tai Zhou School ; Wang Hsin-Chai ; Happy Study Song




19期(2007 / 12 / 01)


27 - 29+31-58






Liang Shu-ming, a scholar in the early years of the Republic of China, devoted his life in popularizing new Confucius theory. Tai Zhou School was the turning point for him from the original belief of Buddhism to Confucianism. The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between Liang Shu-ming and Tai Zhou School from studying the work series of Liang Shu-ming, the original works of Tai Zhou School, other historical document and arguments from scholars in later times; we intend to make comparison and find out how he inherited and transformed the thought of Tai Zhou School. From examining three perspectives including transition and agreement of life, connection and activation of thought, continuance and innovation of actions, we realize that Liang Shu-ming used to learn from scholars of Tai Zhou School in the choice of life direction, the formation of thought content and the resolution of social problem. Liang Shu-ming especially appreciated the true essence of happiness; from the notion of "intuition" in his early works and the relationship of "body and mind" in his later piece as well as his active involvement in rural development and educational movement, all were greatly influenced by Tai Zhou School. The subtitle of this article is "the reason of happiness is to learn how to make the heart happy; the purpose of learning is to study how to acquire this happy heart" which originated from "Happy Study Song" of Wang Hsin-Chai who was the leader of Tai Zhou School; at the same time these two sentences show that Liang Shu-ming identified with the thought of Tai Zhou School and thus was happy to learn from Tai Zhou School.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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