


A Comprehensive Study of Dunhuang Manuscript The Lunisolar Calendar in the 11^(th) and 12^(th) Year of Tai-Ping Jun-Xun's Reign of the Northern Wei Dynasty




林金泉(Lin Jin-Chyuan)


氣朔發斂 ; 月食加時 ; 景初術 ; Chi Shuo Fa Lian ; Yue Shi Jia Shi ; Jing Chu Calendar




20期(2008 / 04 / 01)


37 - 78






The purpose of this paper is to compare the similarities and differences of three calendar texts: two different transcripts of The Lunisolar Calendar in the 11th and 12th Year of Emperor Jun-Xun's Reign of the Northern Wei Dynasty by Ying-Huei Su (蘇瑩 輝) and Chow-Nan Liu (劉操南), and the copy of The Lunisolar Calendar retrieved from Japanese scholar Ikeda On, translated by Wun-Kuan Dun (鄧文寬). Accordingly, by analyzing these three texts, I will provide new interpretations in terms of the chronological development and restore the two calendars to their original forms. Furthermore, I would like to demonstrate that when one calculates "Chi Shuo Fa Lian" (the retraction and radiation of Chi during the first day of every month and the 24 solar terms) and "Yue Shi Jia Shi" (the time of lunar eclipses). I discover that the results parallel with the documentations on the manuscript-testified by "Jing Chu Calendar". The calendar was compiled and organized by a scholar named Wei Yang (楊偉) during the late Wei Dynasty. Discussing the annotation of the calender, I will make separate studies on the origins of terms such as "Tai-sui" (the god who controls prosperity and disaster of the year), "Jianchu" (建除), "Shgeng" (始耕), "She" (社), and "La" (臘), and connect their perspectives of calculating the way of living with the previous dynasties. Although the calendars inherit the Han Dynasty calendar's annotation, its break from the complexity of that of the Tang and Song Dynasty's is apparent. Finally, by listing the entire calendar of both years I promote a different perspective to approach the relations of these dynasties that imply an immediate need for further research on this field of studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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