


An Analytical Study of Revenge and the Law during the Sui and Tang Dynasties




李隆獻(Lee Long-Shien)


隋唐 ; 復仇 ; 復仇觀 ; 法律 ; 禮/法衝突 ; Sui and Tang dynasties ; notions of revenge ; law ; conflict between law/li




20期(2008 / 04 / 01)


79 - 109






This paper will look at revenge - both the concept of and actual acts of - and its standing with respect to the law during the Sui and Tang dynasties (especially the latter) in order to better understand the concept of revenge during this period and in relation to earlier periods. To begin with, we will briefly review our recent research in this topic and discuss sources used for this paper and the direction the discussion will take. We will then move on to a brief discussion of the relation between revenge and the law during the Sui dynasty. It will be shown that the instability of this period resulted in a frequent acts of revenge taken on behalf of one's master (為主復仇). Furthermore, the frequent pardons handed down by Emperor Wen gave a boost to the culture of revenge. Next, we will look at three important instances of revenge during the Tang dynasty: the Xu Yuanqing (徐元慶) case and Chen Zi'ang's (陳子昂) memorial thereon as well as Liu Zongyuan's (柳宗元) ‘A Rebuttal of Memorial on Revenge' (駁復讎議); the case of the brothers Zhang Xiu (張琇) and Zhang Huang (張瑝); and finally the case of Liang Yue (梁悅) and Han Yu's (韓愈) ‘A Briefing on Revenge' (復讎狀). From these cases we find that during the early years of the Tang dynasty, officials put an emphasis on filial piety (孝) and li (禮). As a result, only in a very few cases were the perpetrators of revenge punished, and in fact in many cases officials or even the emperor himself would heap praise or rewards on the perpetrators. In this respect, Chen's treatment of the Xu Yuanqing case in a memorial submitted to the emperor served as the starting point for the debate between li and law during the Tang dynasty. During the years between 685 CE to the early years of the Emperor Xian's reign (806-820), the law took priority over li and served as the most important consideration for officials charged with investigating cases of revenge. As a result, officials handed out punishments for many such cases during this period. At the same time though, a strong sentiment among the general populace to sympathize with acts of revenge carried out in the name of filial piety and justice (義) shows that a tension law and li on the one hand had not disappeared. When the case of Liang Yue came to light during the Emperor Xian's reign, Han Yu submitted a memorial on justice arguing that in cases were there was a conflict between the law and li, "both must be taken into consideration" (必資論辯). Meanwhile, Liu Zongyuan took the opportunity to criticize Chen's earlier memorial for overly emphasizing the law. This shows that literati of the middle Tang were aware of the conflict between the law and li and were trying to come to some sort of resolution thereof. Likewise, we can also see a revival of Confucian notions (or ideology) of filial piety and justice during this period. Finally, we look at regulations covering revenge in the Tang Code (唐律) in order to discuss the legal attitude of "foregoing the law for li" (捨律從禮) during the end of the Tang dynasty, as well as cases involving the Tang Code's prohibition against private settlement (禁私和) and the punishment of exile.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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