


To Review Localization Process of the Buddhism from the Dun-Huang Literature of Chai Yuan Wen (齋願文)




王三慶(Wang San-Ching)


敦煌 ; 齋願文 ; 佛教 ; 在地化 ; Dun-Huang ; chai yuan wen(齋願文) ; Buddhism ; localization




21期(2008 / 07 / 01)


1 - 40






This article is to investigate how the Buddhism adapted the Chinese environment and culture, becoming localized in order to take a firm stand and enhance the missionary work. As for the reference literature is mainly based on chai yuan wen (齋願文), which are, in addition to the ancient Chinese books (傳統四部文獻), mostly the virtual chai yuan wen (齋願文) of Dun-Huang literature and the chai yuan wen (齋願文) that has really happened. Through our analysis, the adaptation was achieved by activities mentioned as below: (1) Enhance the original activities of chai huei (齋會). (2) Enlarge the scope and increase times of the chai huei (齋會) activities of Buddhistic appliances (三寶文物). (3) Participate the ceremonies or festivals of national celebrities or business. (4) Increasing participation in public affairs held by civilians. (5) Deep into basic level of society, give services to ordinary lives of the masses. (6) Establish the chai huei (齋會) activities competing with Taoist in the same business. (7) Develop the terminology and performance skills people are familiar with. (8) Organized and efficient professional diversification and skilled practice experiences. (9) Compile the chai yuan wen (齋願文) suitable for temporary uses. Through the adaptions mentioned above, we can see the Buddhism takes the strategy of localization in China in the different time and place. Other than insisting the original chai huei (齋會), the related cultural appliances and non-Buddhism festival activities are also included. These chai huei (齋會) activities not only provide services for the Emperor and the bureaucrats but also pervade the lives of ordinary people. While participating these activities, the Buddhists all have a systematic, efficient, and non-discriminated attitude on the official or public affairs. Because of this, the Buddhism starts an internal transition process from quantity to quality, which departs from Indian Theravada (原始佛教&部派 佛教), and merges into fundamental part of Chinese culture, then becoming the mundane Mahayana tainted with Eastern Asian characters.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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