


Yan Fu and Acception, Translation, Transformation of "Tian Yan Lun"




王文仁(Wang Wen-Jen)


嚴復 ; 天演論 ; 進化論 ; 赫胥黎 ; 斯賓塞 ; Yan Fu ; Tian Yan Lun ; evolutionism ; Aldous Huxley ; Herbert Spencer




21期(2008 / 07 / 01)


145 - 165






This article studies Yan Fu's creative translation of the "Tian Yan Lun" (Evolutionism), and depicts how the historical philosophy of evolutionism was first reconstructed and introduced to China, and evaluates its impact and influence on contemporary philosophies by studying Yan’s experiences in his early days and his translation of the "Tian Yan Lun". The author first describes the social and historical backgrounds of the "Tian Yan Lun" in China vis-a-vie discussions of social and historical status after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and Yan’s research interests in his early days. This article stresses that Yan chose Huxley's "Evolution and Ethics" as his primary source of translation and greatly modified its contents to conduct a meaningful and influential research integrating and reflecting both Chinese and Western cultures and both traditional and contemporary philosophies. Through the translation of this work, Yan successfully demonstrated, from the viewpoints of both natural sciences and social sciences, that the reforms of social systems, ethics, politics and educations were reasonable. He also maintained that Chinese and the Western societies had different profiles of social developments mainly because of their different cultures. He argued that we could summarize the evolutional orders and profiles of human societies by studying the Western experience. This knowledge could help us understand the historical aspect of the contemporary Chinese society, and discern the future directions of social development and the coming historical stage. This is the most crucial and important influence Yan's philosophy of "Tian Yan" had on those researchers during the May Fourth Movement and on us today.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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