


A Look at Concepts of Revenge in Japan: An Analytical Interpretation Centered on the Classic Literature




李隆獻(Lee Long-Shien)


復仇 ; 復仇觀 ; 《源氏物語》 ; 《曾我物語》 ; 《忠臣藏》 ; revenge ; concept of revenge ; Tale of Genji ; Tale of the Soga Brother ; Treasury of Loyal Retainers




24期(2009 / 04 / 01)


1 - 27






This paper will continue our historical investigation of revenge and the concept of revenge by looking at the origins and development of the concept of revenge in Japan. This paper will cover the following: 1. A review of the concept of revenge in Japan: “fukushuu”, the Japanese term for revenge, is shown as coming from China, and the associated concept likewise draws primarily on the traditional Chinese concept of revenge with respect to the five relations (五倫) insomuch as revenge under certain conditions is permitted. Laws concerning revenge were not promulgated until the Heian period, and even then these laws did not effectively stem local customs of revenge. During the 12th century, the concept of interpersonal revenge was transformed into a notion of katakiuchi (敵討ち) among samurai similar to the Chinese idea of revenge on the part of a master. The mix of samurai and civil rulers during the Edo period led to incidents of revenge becoming particularly common. This situation lasted until the Meiji Reformation, when laws forbidding acts of revenge were put into effect. 2. Cases of revenge recorded in the kiki (記紀) and other early historical works are used to show that the concept of revenge in early Japan came from Chinese Confucian Classics such as the Book of Rites, the Rites of Zhou, the Analects, and the Records of the Grand Historian. 3. A number of famous instances of revenge involving goryō (御靈, vengeful ghosts) and ikiryō (生靈, living soul) from the Heian period will be used to show that revenge by goryō were concentrated in the context of the royal court and had political significance. By contrast, revenge by ikiryō were dealt with in Shikibu (紫式部)'s Tale of Genji, thus showing the interaction between the concept of revenge and works of literature. 4. For the medieval period, we will look at the rising trend of acts of revenge inspired in part by the revenge the Soga brothers (曾我兄弟) took on behalf of their father and the printing of the Tale of the Soga Brothers (《曾我物語》) and its effects on Japanese literature, society, law, and thought. 5. The incorporation of the concept of revenge into the "Samurai Way" by the Shogunate during the Edo period, with its confirmation of acts of revenge, and the effects this had will be discussed. We will also analyze various views of the Treasury of Loyal Retainers (《忠臣藏》) among Japanese sholars and discuss differences in their views on revenge in order to show how this concept changed with the times.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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