


An Interpretation of the term "Golden Phoenix" in the Poems and Lyrics for Pipa of Tang and Song Dynasty




孫貴珠(Sun Kuei-Chu)


唐詩 ; 宋詞 ; 琵琶 ; 金鳳 ; 音樂文學 ; Poems of Tang Dynasty ; Lyrics of Song Dynasty ; Pipa ; Golden Phoenix ; Musical Literature




24期(2009 / 04 / 01)


57 - 89






The popularity of the art of pipa in Tang and Song Dynasty was fully projected in the poems and lyrics of that period. The excellences of the skills conducted by the performers, its instrumental ensembles, or the physical features and crafted decorations of pipa, were all lively described and recorded through the hands of poets. Thus, readers could visually and audibly interrelate with the art of pipa of the period. Nevertheless, other than the abundant research of the performing skills, the emotional sensation from the music, and the instrumental ensembles of that period, researchers rarely focused on the poets’ imagination inspired from the expression of performers and the splendid features and graphics of the instrument itself. However, these detailed descriptions were significant for the poets at that time. And most of all, the term "golden phoenix" had been repeatedly appeared in the poems and lyrics for pipa of Tang and Song Dynasty, such as the works by Li Shen, Shua Fong, Ouyang Jon, Chang Shen, and Yan Chui. Although it is constantly appeared in the poems and lyrics for pipa, the explanation of the term in previous research were surprisingly neglected or ambiguously referred as "the performing technique of pipa", or "indicating of pipa", "the decoration of pipa", which were not able to fully interpret the complete meaning of the works. Hence, this paper aims to reveal the possible meanings of the term "golden phoenix" in the poems and lyrics through examining the related cultural data of Tang and Song Dynasty. The result shows that, through the context of the poems and lyrics, three possibilities were included: "the graphics on the Boe-Tze"; "the graphics on the Han-Boe"; or "the indication of pipa". According to the result, the actual meaning of "golden phoenix" in the poems and lyrics for pipa could be uncovered.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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