


Connection of Composition and Revision on the History of Ming Dynasty by Wan Sih-tong and Historical Study of East Zhejiang - "A Generation of Sagacious and Treacherous Clothed in Commoner"




張麗珠(Zhang Li-Zhu)


浙東史學 ; 《明史稿》 ; 事信言文 ; 以詩補史 ; 南明書寫 ; Historical study of East Zhejiang ; "Manuscript of Ming History" ; Authentic event and language ; Epic Supplementing History ; Southern Ming Writing




25期(2009 / 07 / 01)


45 - 47+49-84






The academic study of East Zhejiang has naturally formed into its system, and it is especially good at historical study as we can find historical experts rising in succession. For composition of formal historical work, there is the "Ming History," with other historical studies such as "Scholastic Case of Ming Intellectual," "Scholastic Cases of Song and Yuan"; besides, there are works of Southern Ming Writings as "Anthology of Nan-lei," "Record of Deed in Court," "Fidelity Study Two Zhejiang Area at End of Ming Dynasty," "Anthology of Si-Fu-Tong" and "Anthology of Jie-Qi-Ting" and there is also historical discourse as "General Study of Literature and History, " with much contribution made to the times. Most of all, historians of East Zhejiang have based spirit of historical composition and stood themselves out from the popular trend of textology and acquaintance with the ancient and modern that has well clouded the academic world. Hence, this study has resorted to the Wan Sih-tong as the research subject who is found to enjoy much credit in revising "Ming History." This work would first discuss the impact of anti-Manchu insurrection at East Zhejiang area at the end of Ming Dynasty upon the historical spirit of East Zhejiang of Tao-chu, and it would then discourse on the historical knowledge, historical judgment, and historical method of Wan Sih-tong as he revised and composed "Manuscript of Ming History." In addition, he would elaborate his focus on the manner of "Epic History" for he had paid particular attention to "Epic Supplementing History" in East Zhejiang historical study. As a summary of the holistic historical study of Wan Sih-tong, it would emphasize his close connection to the academics of East Zhejiang area.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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