


Shijing Study of the Commentary on Poetry in the Late Ming




郭正宜(Kuo Cheng-I)


明代 ; 詩話 ; 詩經 ; 經學 ; 賦比興 ; Ming Dynasty ; the Commentary on Poetry ; Shijing ; Fu ; Bi ; Xing ; Confusian




27期(2009 / 12 / 01)


57 - 59+61-88






The discourse of this paper is on the Shijing Study (詩經學) of the Commentary on Poetry (詩話) in the Late Ming Dynasty.(晚明) The text which is discussed on contains Hu Ying Lin, Shi-Sou, (胡應麟,《詩藪》) Cheng Ti, Du-Shi-Zhao-Yan, (陳第,《讀詩 拙言》) Hao Ching, Du-Shi, Yi-Pu-Cang-Tan, (郝敬,《讀詩》、《藝圃傖談》) Xu Xue Yi, Shi-Yuan-Bian-Ti, (許學夷,《詩源辯體》) Deng Yun Xiao, Leng-Di-Xiao-Yan, (鄧雲霄,《冷邸小言》) Xie Zhao Zhi, Xiao-Cao-Zhai-Shi-Hua, (謝肇淛,《小草齋詩話》) Feng Fu Jing, Shou-Shi-Bu-Yi, (馮復京,《說詩補遺》) Fei Jing Yu, Ya-Lun, (費經虞, 《雅倫》) Fang Yi Zhi, Tong-Ya-Shi-Hua.(方以智,《通雅詩話》) While the Shijing Study raised during the Late Ming period, there was much worthy discussion increasingly on it in the Commentary on Poetry. The attitudes of the authors writing down the Commentary on Poetry were different from those of Confucian, for imperial examination and of the annotation. They wrote down those commentaries on poetry purely for the literary interests rather than for interpreting the Confucian cannon, as well for the imperial examination. In another word, the discourse on Shijing in the Commentary on Poetry is the literary comprehension. Although the Commentary on Poetry provided the unsystematic opinion, it did the different comprehension on Shijing. Those comprehension was not only the status, meaning and style of Shijing in the history of Chinese literature but also the difference on Fu, Bi, Xing.(賦比興) Meanwhile those commentary was well supplied with difference on Shijing Study in their ways and the necessary supplement on this academic area. In my conclusion, there would be six dimensions to probe into this topic. First of all, they emphasized the Shijing’s status in the history of the Chinese literature. Secondly, they accentuated the importance of the disposition in Shijing. Thirdly, they discussed the question whether we should venerate Shijing Xu(詩序) or not. Fourthly, there was different comprehension on Fu, Bi, Xing. Fifthly, they also discussed the problem whether we would inherit the Zhu Xi’s(朱熹) way of reading Shijing. Finally, they had paid attention to the historical linguistics phonology in Shijing.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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