


The Records of Dream, Paying Respect to Du-Fu's Grave and Predecessor - the Emotional Path of Learning Du-Fu in Tang and Song Dynasties




廖美玉(Liao Mei-Yu)


學杜 ; 記夢 ; 謁墓 ; 前身 ; Emotional path ; Learning Du-Fu ; Dream records ; Du-Fu grave tributes ; Predecessor ; Genealogy ; Poem Saint ; Tang and Song Dynasties




28期(2010 / 04 / 01)


125 - 127+129-156






With the passing of the Tang Dynasty into the Song Dynasty, Du-Fu poetry gradually emerged and learning Du-Fu poetry became the mainstream in the poetic world, creating room for the discussion, interpretation, and learning of Du-Fu poetry. Differing from past focus on the analysis of the theory and concept of past studies, we attempt to investigate the rise of non-mainstream poetry and the emotional path of learning Du-Fu via dream records, Du-Fu grave tributes, and predecessors. Additionally, we also discuss the dialog relations with the text and notes of poetry, and the development of poetic genealogies that contributed to the learning Du-Fu poetry. We first elaborate the affection for Du-Fu during the Tang Dynasty by the dream records and Du-Fu grave tributes, revealing the extensiveness and diversity of Du-Fu's poetry, and establishing the rigorous development of learning Du-Fu poetry after the Tang Dynasty. We then explore the interpretation of poetry and textual criticism in Song Dynasty dream records and Du-Fu grave tribute which allowed for the rise of Du-Fu's person and poetry, establishing Du-Fu's position as a "Poem Saint". Finally, we explore how Song Dynasty scholars avoided conflict in the discussion and over-interpretation of learning Du-Fu poetry between the Tang and Song Dynasties by utilizing the concept of pre-life/predecessor/afterlife, allowing the subject of learning Du-Fu poetry to display rich multi-dimensionality.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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