


A New Discussion on the Interpretation of "Kung-mo-chin-wu Ko-hsing"




許云和(Xu Yun-He)


〈公莫巾舞歌行〉 ; 聲音譜 ; 歌舞劇腳本 ; 分解 ; 聲字剔除 ; 思君去時曲 ; "Kung-mo-chin-wu Ko-hsing" ; "sheng-yin-p'u" ; script of song and dance drama ; decomposing ; eliminating the sound words ; a song about a woman missing her departed husband




30期(2010 / 10 / 01)


1 - 3+5-35






As a famous dance song in Han dynasty, "Kung-mo-chin-wu Ko-hsing", which is recorded in "Yueh-chih" of "Sung-shu", is well known for its inapprehensible even since the South Qi dynasty. In order to get a full understanding of this dance song, former scholars have tried all their efforts and made a great progress, but there is still a long way to go before a real solution can be achieved. This thesis agrees on the opinion that "kungmo- chin-wu ko-hsing" is the so-called concept "sheng-ch'u-che" or "sheng-yun-ch'u-che" in Han dynasty, and accounts the "sheng-ch'u-che" as "sheng-yin-p'u", which is used to describe the method to record the actual sound situation when a song is sung in a "ch'u'" and "che" condition in order to make it convenient for the singers to sing according to the sound of the words, and consequently negate the popular opinion that "Kung-mo-chin-wu Ko-hsing" is a script of song and dance drama. This thesis also makes a further study on the composition of words and sentences of this song and summarize the rules of the written convention, and put forward a feasible method to distinguish and delete "the words inserted in dance song to make it harmony with the music"(聲字) to get the real lyric of this song. In the process of interpretation of this song's lyric, this thesis uses the word with the similar shape, sound and meaning to find the original word, and quotes some sentences in Middle Ages Chinese poems to get more support. Based on the real lyric of this song, "kung-mo-chin-wu ko-hsing" is a song about a woman missing her departed husband and soaked herself in the mood of lost and sadness. As this theme is far away from the original music "Hsiang-chuan wu-chien", it is obviously that this song's original lyric can not be the present one, the present lyric might be another lyric of yuehfu used to fill in to be harmony with the music. Although the original lyric can not be seen nowadays, the remained music of missing the husband's departing time is still in the air of the history of Chinese Literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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