


The Multi-dimensional Interpretation of the Culture of Bareness and Inappropriate Intimacy from the Literary Reputed Scholars of Wei-Jin Dynasties




江建俊(Chiang Chien-Chun)


裸袒 ; 箕踞 ; 任誕 ; 服食 ; 胡風 ; Bareness ; casual sitting ; levity ; taking drugs ; the culture of the Hu people




33期(2011 / 06 / 01)


23 - 25+27-65






When reviewing the historical data and literature of Wei-Jin Dynasties, we often found the record of "bareness" and "dishevelled appearance". After the Eastern Jin Dynasty, seeing the destruction of the Western Jin Dynasty, many pragmatic scholars attacked the scholars who admired the mysteries and violated the etiquette. The pragmatic scholars considered the vulgar behavior and the inappropriate speeches as the sign of the destruction of the dynasty. There are several reasons that lead to this culture. First, this paper considered the transition of dynasties, the Eight Kings' Insurrection, Wang Dun's Insurrection, Su Jun's Insurrection and Sun En's Insurrection. During this period, the scholars tended to act dispiritedly, such as taking the hallucinogenic drug and getting addicted to alcohols, to protect themselves. Second, the philosophy of nature from Lao-tzu and Zhuangzi was widespread at that time. Due to the influence of the philosophy of nature, the scholars liked to boast of their talent to show their excellence. Third, the Han people lived with the Hu people during this period, leading to a more serious social malady. Finally, the influential officials monopolized the politics and the economy, whose lifestyle of pleasure and leisure had also influenced the lifestyle of the society. This paper further extends to metaphysics, the concept of existence and nonexistence, etiquette and nature, right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, true and false, to discuss the value of both sides. Moreover, we also discuss the absurdity from the viewpoint of modern aesthetics. We consider that the absurdity in this period had some implications, which not only reflects the culture of the Wei-Jin Dynasties but also has the implication of returning to the innocence.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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