


Adopting from Confucianism and Constructing the Japanese Spirit: the Allusions and Transforming in the Seventeen-article Constitution




金培懿(Chin Pei-Yi)


日本漢學 ; 《憲法十七條》 ; 「和魂漢才」 ; 出典 ; 忠孝 ; 公私 ; Japanese sinology ; Seventeen-article Constitution ; the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning ; allusion ; loyalty and filial piety ; public and private




33期(2011 / 06 / 01)


93 - 130






This article aims on the allusion and adopting from Confucian ancient of the Seventeen-article constitution by Qian Zhongshu’s analysis. The previous study on Prince Shotoku's the Seventeen-article constitution usually discussed on Prince Shotoku’s Confucian thought by observing its allusion and adopting from Confucian ancient. But they did not define the "allusion" to explain the basis that used to find out the adopted ancient. Qian Zhongshu had analyzed the method of allusion into "word allusion", "meaning allusion" and "form allusion" in his On the Art of Poetry. I think that the "word allusion" is the source of the quotation in an article, the "meaning allusion" is to understand the author's message thoroughly, and the "form allusion" is to copy on form. If the "word allusion" and "form allusion" part in article are the same with the original text, then the "meaning allusion" part are usually the same, too. And if the "form allusion" part are the same with the original text, then the "word allusion" and "meaning allusion" part may be changed, or if the "meaning allusion" part are the same with the original text, then the "word allusion" and "form allusion" part may be changed. But in the allusion and adopting from Confucian ancient of the Seventeen-article constitution, we can see that the "word allusion" and "form allusion" part in article are the same with the original text but the "meaning allusion" part are different, or the "word allusion" and "form allusion" part in article are different with the original text but the "meaning allusion" part are the same. This kind of phenomenon can be seen as a transform. This complex allusion of the Seventeen-article constitution was for construct the state system to shows the authority of Tenno and to let the Japanese be loyal to father-like Tenno. This thought emphasizes the public and the sameness of the loyalty and the filial piety to come to the consciousness of the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning to shows the essence of Japan. Prince Shotoku is a typical case of the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning. Confucian ancient's authority in other country is related with the condition of the birth of the ancient. When we study on Japanese or East Asia sinology, we should take care the influence from the other and the difference.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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