


New Explanation of Han Yu's The Biography of Mao Yin




姜龍翔(Jiang Long-Xiang)


韓愈 ; 毛穎傳 ; 兔子 ; 以文為戲 ; 修辭明道 ; Han Yu ; The Biography of Mao Yin ; Rabbit ; articles serve for entertainment ; rhetoric and understood the doctrine




35期(2011 / 12 / 01)


69 - 98






From generation to generation, people have different interpretations regarding Han Yu's The Biography of Mao Yin, some people think the article use the Chinese writing brush to imply the fate of the scholars, some people believe the article is mocking the ruler of the country, or Han Yu is working off his depression. This article analyzes the in-depth implication of the words that used by Han Yu in The Biography of Mao Yin via observation of the language of the text, and also considers Han Yu's concept of writing and Tao. In addition, this article also re-establishes the images of both Mao Yin and the rabbit. The article indicates that the rabbit is a sinister and soft villain, while Mao Yin is the symbol that hangs around wealthy people; and it also suggests a meaning that different from the past. Actually, the article focuses on mocking Mao Yin, and it is an article that Han Yu uses to satirize the people that hang around power in the politic field. This article also connects Han Yu's rhetoric and elucidation opinion to analyze that his creative intention focuses on the continuity of orthodoxy. Through differentiating the differences between whether the sage is in position or not in above or below three generations, the article express the emotion that the Mao Yin type of scholar break the orthodoxy in stead of extending it; and hopes it can contributes in the establishment of scholars' self-awareness in enhancing in management by articles.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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