


Examining The Development of the Glamour-Contention Literature in the Chinese-character Cultural Circle from Vietnamese Novels Written in Chinese




朱鳳玉(Chu Feng-Yu)


越南漢文小說 ; 爭奇文學 ; 漢字文化圈 ; 敦煌變文 ; 鄧志謨 ; Contention Literature ; Vietnamese glamour-contention Novels ; Chinese Characters ; Dunhuang Bianwen ; Deng Zhimo




38期(2012 / 09 / 01)


67 - 69+71-92






Literature of glamour and contention (zheng qi) can be found all over the world, for its development has a long history. In China, its origin can be traced back to the Han rhapsody (Han fu). Later it also appeared in the apologetic literature of the Three Teachings in the Tang dynasty, and finally in the novels of glamour and contention during the Ming and Qing periods. This genre had even stronger impact on folk jokes and folklore. In Vietnam, as part of the Chinese-character cultural circle, this literary phenomenon not only developed a unique tradition of glamour-contention literature, but was also influenced by the glamour-contention literature that disseminated from Chinese culture and tradition. This paper will introduce and analyze sixteen Vietnamese glamour-contention novels in Chinese and deal with the spread and development of Chinese glamour-contention literature in Vietnam. Among these novels, the dialog between Confucius and Xiang Tuo (Kongzi Xiangtuo wenda shu) seems to be a transmitted text of the Treatise of Little Children (Xiao'er lun) from the Ming Dynasty, which demonstrated the earliest form of the transmission of Chinese glamour-contention literature within the Chinese-character cultural circle. The other fifteen pieces mostly come from the imitated works composed by Vietnamese literati under the influence of Chinese glamour-contention literature. These works in Chinese characters offer us very rich materials for studying Vietnamese novels and also helps us expand our horizon in terms of looking at new materials in studying Chinese literature and comparative literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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