


An Aspect of Fang Dongshu's Confucianism Thought - Discussing Lu-Wang Philosophy and its Return to Cheng-Zhu Philosophy


田富美(Tien Fu-Mei)


方東樹 ; 跋南雷文定 ; 辨道論 ; 陸王心學 ; 程朱理學 ; Fang Dongshu ; "Postscript of Nanlei Wending" ; "Bian Dao Lun" ; Lu-Wang's theory of mind ; Cheng-Zhu Confucianism




40期(2013 / 03 / 01)


169 - 171+173-206






Scholars who research Fang Dongshu tend to focus on the book named "Hanxue Shangdui". They regarded Fang as an important person who opposed the Qian-Jia Han School. However, Fang Dongshu saw himself as a defender of the Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi School of Thought. His works were not only aimed at the Qian-Jia School, but also dealt with the criticism of Yangming sect to the Zhu Xi sect. This article attempts to expand and investigate Fang Dongshu's Confucian works and explores Fang Dongshu's response to Lu-Wang's judgment according to the Cheng-Zhu school, and discusses the questions regarding the Confucian theory of Liu Zongzhou, which was followed by the Yang-Ming school. First, I analyze why Fang Dongshu opposes the Yangming Study. He tries to prevent the style of study from Qian-Jia Han School and turns to Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming. Then, he suppresses the statement of anti Huang Zongxi and Liu Zongzhou who followed Yaojiang sect. Secondly, I excavate the contents of Fang Dongshu's opposition towards the Yangming School. He criticizes Lu Xiangshan and Wang Yangming in regards to their ill-defined explanation of the mind of people being equal to mind of Taoism, thus distorting the order of knowing and action, and impediment to the principle of initiating the sect, as well as Liu Zongzhou's statement regarding the "Dao Qi Xing Li" theory from Yangming. Finally, by the aforesaid basis, I attempt to point out that Fang Dongshu regards Cheng-Zhu learning as a faith of the religious, for it is difficult for him to face the criticism from experts in the school of the mind to Cheng-Zhu Learning. Fang Dongshu emphasizes the accumulation effort and the "Investigation of Things to Exhaust Reason" (Gewu qiongli) theory repeatedly. From another angle, this feature was affected and transformed by the impact of Qian-Jia Han Scholarship. Therefore, it has representation in the meaning of the era.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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