


A Study on the Double Color Printing The Diamond Sutra (金剛經) of the Yuan Dynasty


趙飛鵬(Chao Fei-Peng)


元代佛教 ; 禪宗 ; 印刷史 ; 版本學 ; 跨界研究 ; Yuan Dynasty Buddhism ; Zen Buddhism ; history of printing ; Editions ; Interdisciplinary study




40期(2013 / 03 / 01)


99 - 126






From the time Zen Buddhism arrived in China from the Sixth Patriach Hui-neng, figures have largely promoted the reading and recitation of the Diamond Sutra, which became a welcomed classic among folk peoples. The Yuan-era manuscript of the Diamond Sutra is the earliest version of this classic we have, and it is the only dual-colored version of this sutra. Although the Yuan Dynasty did not reign for long time, it made important contributions in culture. In the aspect of the dissemination of Buddhism, the Yuan Dynasty officials placed high importance on Tibetan and Zen Buddhism. It advocated both, therefore forming a phenomenon in which Tibetan Buddhism grasped political power, whereas Zen Buddhism exerted its profound influence on the common people's religious life until modern times. In the aspect of the following printing methods, Yuan people continued to enhance the achievement in printing industry of Song people. They even strived for perfection to develop color printing, which is applied in Buddhist literature publications. We attempt to combine Buddhism history and printing history. On the one hand, the author observes Buddhism's development from the printing and circulation of Yuan Dynasty Buddhist scripts. On the other hand, we observe how Buddhism affects printing and publishing industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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