


Transformation of Moism's Thinking of Jian Ai - From the Meaning of the Word "Jian"


劉文清(Liu Wen-Ching)


墨家 ; 兼愛 ; 天志 ; 志功觀 ; 差等觀 ; Moism ; Jian ai (Universal Love) ; Tianzhi (the Will of Heaven) ; Zhigong Guan (Concept of Will and Merit) ; Chadeng Guan (Concept of Differing Rank)




42期(2013 / 09 / 01)


1 - 3+5-38






Jian ai (Universal Love) is an important thinking of Moism. However, during the developmental transformation of Moism, the meaning of Jian ai thinking in the early period underwent chang in the late period. 1) In terms of meaning: the word jian in the early period of Moism denoted two meanings, that is incorporation and mutuality. The former suggested that Heaven loves all the people around the world, while the latter suggested that all the people will love one another. In the late period of Moism, Jian represented the ubiquitous. Jian ai referred to the situation where all the individuals love all human beings. 2) In terms of value source: in the early period, Moism suggested that Jian ai thinking originated from the will of Heaven. In the late period, it suggested that Jian ai thinking originated from the will of individual rationality. 3) In terms of the scope of implementation: Jian ai in the early period certainly covered the whole world, while that in the late period used logical reasoning to verify the universality of love. 4) In term of Zhigong Guan (Concept of Will and Merit), in the early period, Moism advocated both the concepts of Jian xiang ai and Jiao xiang li. In the late period, Moism advocated the concepts of Zhigong wei Bian (Will and Merit as Verified) and absolute altruism. 5) In terms of Chadeng Guan (Concept of Differing Rank), in the early period, there was no awareness about different levels in Moism. In the late period, Moism advocated the concepts of Ai wu Chadeng (Love Without Differing Rank) and Lunlie (Human Relation and Example). It can be concluded that the appearance and meaning of the Jian ai mode of thinking of Moism in the early period was completely different from the concept formed in the late period.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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