


The Importance of Dark Side in Romanticism and Modern Poetry - Concurrent Discussions of V. Hugo, C. Baudelaire and Hsu Chih-mo


翁文嫻(Yung Man-Han)


浪漫主義 ; 現代性 ; 雨果 ; 波特萊爾 ; 徐志摩 ; Romanticism ; Modernity ; V. Hugo ; C. Baudelaire ; Hsu Chih-mo




43期(2013 / 12 / 01)


319 - 321+323-347






French writers V. Hugo and C. Baudelaire were the representatives of Romanticism and Modernity in Western Europe. Based on their descriptions of "Dark Side", this study tends to explore the connotation of the literary trends Romanticism and Modernism, as well as the social background and the evolution of their aesthetic concepts. The pure and romantic emotion of Hsu Chih-mo, the representative of Chinese new poetry, may be meaningful in certain periods of history. However, few of the romantic poets of early new poetry describe Romanticism in Western Europe, especially the conflict between Yin-Yang in the universe mentioned by Hugo and the experience in the grand Dark Side. People may be familiar with the dark writings of Baudelaire, who is considered the poet of the wicked. However, this study aims to analyze how Baudelaire creates an eternal sense of beauty for ugly or dark affairs in his poetry through the effects of Modernity, and how he highlights the ruthlessness of time change through a detached attitude, which is enshrouded under industrial and scientific development, for the forever escaping sense of "Being in the setting" is the eternal aesthetics of Modernity. This study attempts to describe the actual inspiration of poems with the original French structure. While discussing French poetry, the paper also corresponds with the neglect of Chinese poetry in Chinese academia.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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