


A Study on Gui Youguang's Poems Concerning the Sea Battling - With the Discussion of the Thoughts about Resisting Japanese Pirates of Gui's Proses


顏智英(Yan Jy-Ing)


海戰書寫 ; 歸有光 ; 明詩 ; 明代散文 ; 倭寇 ; Sea Battling writing ; Gui Youguan ; Poems of the Ming dynasty ; Proses of the Ming dynasty ; Japanese pirates




43期(2013 / 12 / 01)


87 - 89+91-125






This article analyzed the origin, the development and the changes of 24 pieces of Gui Youguang's poems about the sea battling with Japanese pirates. Our observation indicated that Gui's poems emphasized on the hardship and sorrow experienced by the local folks from the perspective of a general people rather than the perspective of a warrior. Therefore his poems were unique compared to the poems generated at the same time frame that emphasized more on the heroic image, personal opinion or victory of the warrior. For instance, he wrote about the sea-battling image for one of the heroes - Ren Huan, however, he emphasized more on how Ren Huan took care of the folks. He had also written a lot more poems to illustrate the humanitarian, economical, and mental consequences of the wars. Besides the criticism on the spineless and incompetent of the local officers, he had also appraised the improper policy on soliciting Japanese pirates in his poems and provided concrete proposals about resisting Japanese pirates in his proses. His compositions serve as some important evidence in the study of sea-battling poems in Ming dynasty. We had also studied the thoughts about resisting Japanese in his writings to compensate the weakness about the strategy from his poems. Gui is a writer who reflected his inner thoughts in his writing. Therefore, studying his poems became one of the ways to better understand his characteristic.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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