


The Body Metaphors in The Travels of Lao Can


許暉林(Hsu Hui-Lin)


劉鶚 ; 《老殘遊記》 ; 身體 ; 隱喻 ; Liu E ; The Travels of Lao Can ; Body ; Metaphor




44期(2014 / 03 / 01)


255 - 290






Body metaphor became one of the most important ways to understand the relationship between the nation and the citizens of the late Qing dynasty. Through the analysis of the body metaphors in The Travels of Lao Can, I attempted to discuss that the author did not unquestionably accept what was assumed in the body metaphors, but used those metaphors in a critical way. With extremely high sensitivity to the figure of speech, Liu E cast insight into the structure of understanding the relation between nation and citizen at the time, and revealing the rhetorical nature of that particular structure. Liu E was well versed in the art of manipulating metaphors, but at the same time kept a critical distance from the assumption that the relation between the nation and citizens was naturally so. In other words, Liu E was highly conscious of the structure of the body metaphor and the way it functioned in the public discourse of nation and of citizenship. In this sense, the modernity of the Travels of Lao Can is defined not only by its subversion of traditional discourse of justice, but also by the way Liu E disclosed the nature of figure of speech and the role it plays in the work of the Travels of Lao Can, and also the political discourse of the time.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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