


A Chronological Analysis of the Written "Zheng Yi Fa Wen Tian Shi Jiao Jie Ke Jing"


王璟(Wang Jing)


天師道 ; 《正一法文天師教戒科經》 ; 《大道家令戒》 ; 成書年代 ; 道誡 ; Celestial master Taoism movement ; "Zheng Yi Fa Wen Tian Shi Jiao Jie Ke Jing" ; "Da Dao Jia Ling Jie" ; the date of "Zheng Yi Fa Wen Tian Shi Jiao Jie Ke Jing" ; Taoism's discipline




46期(2014 / 09 / 01)


69 - 97






"Zheng Yi Fa Wen Tian Shi Jiao Jie Ke Jing" is the classic Taoism literature for the Tianshi Dao (Celestial master movements). It consists of five parts, and it is a time consuming work by more than one author. The topics addressed in these five parts are all related to religious discipline. These five parts were thus collected and edited into one single book. It is also one of the most important literatures to study in order to better understand and investigate the early development of Tianshi Dao. The research findings on this literature mainly focused on its written date, particularly the date of the chapter "Da Dao Jia Ling Jie". However, there is still a lack of systematical research method at present to completely describe the philosophical thinking behind this written book, especially on the unnamed first part and the fifth part named "Tian Shi Wu Yan Qian San Shi". This paper explored the date of this literature via the following steps. First of all, we completed the realization on this book and then generalized the major thinking of this book. Based on our objectives, we then discussed and compared the different points between our aspects with those proposed by others. The research results are likely to clarify the debates regarding the date of this written book.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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